MUDr. Mojmír Müller, Vodní 21, 602 00 Brno, tel.: 607 839 075, 547 211 995, e-mail:
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Complete offer of treatments

Laser depilation

RemovalMUDr. Mojmír Müller - Laser depilationMUDr. Mojmír Müller - Laserová depilace of undesired hair by diode lasers 810nm Soprano XL and Soprano XLi by Alma Lasers and brand new alexandrit laser 755 nm Candela GentleLase Pro-U. At the moment one of the most effective lasers in Moravia.

To achieve expected effect are usually necessary at least from four to six sessions (each timed regularly between two or three months).MUDr. Mojmír Müller - Laserová depilace


  1. High effectiveness (it is not a low potent IPL),
  2. Minimal pain (in contrast to IPL and older types of lasers),
  3. Skin after treatment does not turn red, does not form scabs,
  4. Mild suntanning (for Candela very mild) allowed - it is possible to do all the year around,
  5. Substantial saving of time and finances (after the treatment it is not necessary the treated part regularly shave or depilate by other way).

N.B.: A few weeks before intervention hair must not be depilated; shaving is allowed, immediately before laser treatment is necessary. 


MUDr. Mojmír Müller - Laser depilationMUDr. Mojmír Müller - Laserová depilaceMUDr. Mojmír Müller - Laserová depilace

MUDr. Mojmír Müller - Fotogalerie 

Price for one laser treatment:

upper lip 30 €
lower lip and chin 50 €
- correction of eyebrows 60 €
- depilation of the whole face 120 €
- depilation of the neck (e.g. ingrown hair): 

60 €


arms 140 €
forearms 120 €
hands from wrist to fingers:  60 €
underarms 60 €
back from 320 €
chest from 160 €
shoulders 100 €

from 160 €


bikini lines 80 €
private parts 120 €
buttocks from 100 €
thigs from 320 €
knees 60 €
insteps 60 €
calfs 180 €
- small surface 1x1cm 16 

KW: depilation, laser depilation, depilation Brno, laser depilation Brno. 


Rejuvenation by smoothing away of mimical lines and using of fillers


Smoothing away of mimical lines of face and neck by application of  product of C. botulinum. Rejuvenation is achieved by elimination of excessive contractions of mimical muscles. Skin stops creating folds, wrinkles are smoothed away. Effect lasts approximately half a year, in case of repeated application even longer. Any cream with so-called "botox-effect" cannot be compared to this gentle care neither by its effectiveness nor by price.

Approximate measure of quantities:

- crow´s feet (fine lines around eyes):  twice 4 to 6 units,
- forehead horizontal lines: 6-10 units,
- vertical lines between eyebrows: 12-14 units,
- sagging mouth corners: twice 2 units,
- neck lines: 10-20 units.

Note: Use of product of C. botulinum to annihilate excessive sweating (underarms, palms and soles): effect lasting from 9 to 12 months after application, consumption 1 to 2 units per 1x1cm.

Price: 8 € per unit of preparation of company Allergan, equals four units of medicine of company Ipsen.


Smoothing of deeper lines, wrinkles and folds on the face and contouring of lips (lip sculpturing) by application of FILLING MATERIAL (hyaluronic acid gel, hydroxylapatite, bioresorbable polyacrylamide filler etc.).

Final price including application of the filler:

  1. Deep wrinkles and folds
    • Radiesse: 400 € per package (1,5ml), lasting effect in average two years
    • Fortélis extra (= Belotero Intense): 360 € per package (1ml), effective over one year
    • Juvéderm voluma: 280 € per package (1ml), effective up to twelve months
    • Yvoire volume s: 240  € per package (1ml), effective about one year
  2. Medium-deep wrinkles, lip sculpturing, smoothing of scars
    • Restylane: 280 € per package (1ml), lasting approximately six to nine months
    • Esthélis basic (= Belotero Balance): 280 € per package (1ml), effective nine to twelve months
    • Juvéderm volbella: 260 € per package (1ml), effective up to twelve months
    • Yvoire classic s: 200  € per package (1ml), effective about one year     
  3. Superficial lines
    • Esthélis soft: 260 € per package (1ml), lasting six to twelve months,


Rejuvenation by laser and intensive light


A. KTP laser 532 nm

ColourMUDr. Mojmír Müller - Rejuvenation by lasers and intensive light unification of complexion affected by irregular pigmentation and enlarged blood vessels by diode LASER Velure S5 (with fractional technology MiXto) by company Lasering. Laser beam of wavelength of 532 nm preferentially destroys brown pigmentation and seals red blood vessels in upper layers of complexion.

Redness after single laser treatment passes in most cases by the second day, scabs form rarely. In more difficult cases it is necessary to repeat procedure once or twice in four to eight weeks. FromMUDr. Mojmír Müller - Rejuvenation by lasers and intensive light the date of treatment the treated area must not be exposed to the influence of UV light (intensive sun or solarium) for a period of one month.

Price for one treatment:

B. Red LED light 630 nm

New alternative of affordable medical rejuvenation of complexion and light lifting by intensive continuous red LED light 630nm. Scientifically verified regeneration of epidermis and remodeling of collagen reaching the depth of 10 mm of skin surface. Complexion is smoothed and stretched already after a couple of treatments. Considering acne there is an extra antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and healing effect.

MUDr. Mojmír Müller - FotogalerieFurther advantages:

  1. completely painless without risking burning of skin (as differs from IPL);
  2. no need of injections (as in contrast to mesotherapy);
  3. suntanning is not prohibited (in comparison with laser therapy);
  4. possible combination with medical peeling, botulotoxin type A and further proven procedures for skin rejuvenation;
  5. longlasting effect (in comparison with other used "miraculous" medical and cosmetic methods).

MUDr. Mojmír Müller - FotogalerieOne treatment:

1. face or décolletté for 25 €

2. face and décoletté for 40 €

Complete treatment (eight appointments):

1. face or décolletté for 160 €

2. face and décolletté for 280 €

Note: Laser treatment of swelling around eyes and saturation of face is possible to enrich by an effective and gentle manual LYMPHODRAINAGE. This combined procedure often completely replaces more demanding surgical solution (blepharoplastic).

Rejuvenation by fractional CO2 laser

(laser resurfacing)

RadicalMUDr. Mojmír Müller - Rejuvenation by fractional CO2 laser laser rejuvenation of skin by ablative CO2 (carbon dioxide) LASER Slim E30 with patented fractionalisation MiXto by company Lasering. By individual fractional resurfacing the old skin is removed, the complexion is stretched, scars of different origin are smoothed away, pigmentations and large pores vanish. Only in case of complicated skin changes it is necessary to repeat the treatment once or twice in interval of minimally four or eight weeks.

In comparison with classical laser resurfacing is not necessary either general anesthesia or hospitalisation. After seven to ten days after laser rejuvenation it is possible to start using make-up and join a normal social life. From the date of treatment the treated area must not be exposed to the influence of UV light (intensive sun or solarium) for a period of three months.

MUDr. Mojmír Müller - Rejuvenation by fractional CO2 laser

Price for one treatment:

Firming and smoothing of loose and fading skin and reducing of cellulitis and stretch marks using 3D radiofrequency EndyMed Pro

We areMUDr. Mojmír Müller - Firming and smoothing of loose and fading skin and reducing of cellulitis and stretch marks using 3D radiofrequency EndyMed Pro offering newly medical rejuvenation and stretching of complexion and subcutis using patented unique multisource multipolar radiofrequency device from the latest generation of EndyMed Pro 3DEEP. EndyMed differs from the previously used radiofrequency devices by stimulating rebuilding of old collagen and predominantly producing of new collagen intensively and in totally controlled way, reaching the necessary depths of skin and subcutis. It has been scientifically well proven its high effectivity even 12 mm under the skin surface. It is fundamental that there is no danger of burning of deeper tissues (in contrast to traditional monopolar handpieces) and not simple superficial effect (in comparison with simple one-generator devices with bi- and multipolar handpieces which are freely available on the Czech market).

During treatmentMUDr. Mojmír Müller - Firming and smoothing of loose and fading skin and reducing of cellulitis and stretch marks using 3D radiofrequency EndyMed Pro by radiofrequency EndyMed complexion is temporarily slightly pink but treatment is as one of the few effective procedures of esthetic medicine totally painless and does not increase sensitivity towards sunshine (rejuvenation is possible to be done all the year round). We can firm and smooth small facial parts as well as big areas of trunk (for example flabby stomach, superfluous hip skin) and limbs (including buttocks, inner surface of thighs etc). Rebuilding and production of new collagen leads also to substantial reduction of stretch marks as result of pregnancy and fast growing of body. Firming of skin and subcutis by 3D radiofrequency can effectively and long-lastingly improve unseemly cellulitis (orange peel skin) of thighs, buttocks and stomach.

Treatment of necessary six sessions by radiofrequency EndyMed takes place in intervals of one or two weeks, following three months originally loose and fading complexion is further stretched thanks to remodelation of collagen. Final refirming of complexion is long-lasting, repetition of the whole procedure is possible after one to two years, eventually patient can choose separate maintenance sessions after three months.

Price of the treatment in the region around eyes (including "bags under eyes") or around mouth (including vertical wrinkles around lips and nasolabial folds) or in the region under chin (double chin) or the whole forehead:
1. a single treatment - 40 €; 2. the whole treatment (six times) - 200 €.MUDr. Mojmír Müller - Firming and smoothing of loose and fading skin and reducing of cellulitis and stretch marks using 3D radiofrequency EndyMed Pro

Price of firming both cheeks by radiofrequency EndyMed:
1. a single treatment - 60 €; 2. the whole treatment (six times) - 320 €.

Price of the treatment of front part of the neck by radiofrequency EndyMed:
1. a single treatment - 60 €; 2. the whole treatment (six times) - 320 €.

Price of rejuvenation of décoletté by radiofrequency EndyMed:
1. a single treatment - 80 €; 2. the whole treatment (six times) - 400 €.

Price of the treatment in the stomach region (flabby skin following pregnancy or after unsuccessful surgical liposuction) or superfluous hip skin by radiofrequency EndyMed:
1. a single treatment - 80 €; 2. the whole treatment (six times) - 400 €.

Price of firming and stretching of buttocks or inner surface of thighs or outer surface of thighs by radiofrequency EndyMed:
1. a single treatment - 80 €; 2. the whole treatment (six times) - 400 €.

Price of treatment of inner parts of knees by radiofrequency EndyMed:
1. a single treatment - 40 €; 2. the whole treatment (six times) - 200 €.

Cellulitis and loose skin

treatment by carboxytherapy and lymphodrainage


Elimination of imperfections and flabbines of bigger skin surfaces (for example loose stomach skin following pregnancy, quick weight loss or after unsuccessful liposuction) and treatment of cellulitis (orange peel skin) of thighs and hips etc. by CARBOXYTHERAPY.

Base of this treatment is application of medicinal gas CO2 directly into problematic regions. To achieve the best results it is necessary to perform this treatment during one month more or less two to three times per week. Further treatment is possible to repeat after six months, eventually it is possible to choose maintenance treatment once or twice per month.

Price for stomach region:
1. a single treatment - 30 €;
2. the whole treatment (eight times) - 200 €.
Price for hips:
1. a single treatment - 35 €;
2. the whole treatment (eight times) - 240 €.
Price for thighs:
1. a single treatment - 40 €;
2. the whole treatment (eight times) - 280 €.
Price for the region under chin (double chin):
1. a single treatment - 20 €;
2. the whole treatment (eight times) - 120 €.


Treatment of cellulitis (so called "orange peel skin") for thighs, hips and underbelly is possible to supplement by verified and longlasting effective method combining manual and mechanical LYMPHODRAINAGE ("lymphatic massage").

Under the supervision of doctor - lymphologist the superflues tissue fluid and toxic matters are flooded out from treated areas and then all is eliminated by kidneys.

Treatment is also possible to be enriched by well-tolerated fatfree line Elancyl by Laboratories Galénic. These are not cinnamon wraps which have potentionally allergic effect.

One basic treatment at 20 €.
The whole treatment (eight appointments) at 120 €.

Laser treatment of veins and capillaries

RemovalMUDr. Mojmír Müller - Laser treatment of veins and capillaries of antiesthetic veins and capillaries by diode lasers of Italian company Lasering:  LASER Velure S5 and Velure S9 (wavelength 532 and 940 nm).

RednessMUDr. Mojmír Müller - Laser treatment of veins and capillaries after single laser treatment passes in most cases by the second day, scabs form rarely. In more difficult cases it is necessary to repeat procedure once or twice in eight to ten weeks. From the date of treatment the treated area must not be exposed to the influence of UV light (intensive sun or solarium) for a period of two months.

Price for one treatment:

Acne, scars and pigmentation

treatment by medical exfoliating peeling

Superficial and medium-deep MEDICAL EXFOLIATING PEELING of fading complexion, fine lines, pigmentation, liver spots, scars, stretch marks and severe acne by 20% TCA (has more pronounced effect then usually used acidum glycolicum).

MUDr. Mojmír Müller - FotogaleriePrice for one treatment (necessary to repeat two to four times per season):

MUDr. Mojmír Müller - FotogaleriePlease note: After treatment the skin is more sensitive towards UV light, for that reason after peeling suntanning is not allowed. For intensive exposure to the sun is necessary to use protective creams with UV filtres (sunblocks).

N.B.: Patients suffering from lip cold sores must use as a prevention Zovirax tbl. according to attending doctor´s instructions.

Moles, warts and other skin growths

examination and removal by laser or surgically

Examination of moles by top class DERMATOSCOPE by German company Heine Optotechnik. Experienced dermatologist can with precision detect and evaluate skin changes and can suggest further procedures (removal of mole either surgically or by laser, eventually checking of the mole every year).

Removal of skin growth by LASER Slim E30 by company Lasering (for example old age verruca, dormand mole):
Price for first growth is 60 €, every following laser treatment (in one session) - from 20 €.
Other possibilities of removal without stitching (in one session):

1. surgically - 20 €, every following treatment - from 12 €,
2. by cryocauter (freezing) or radiocauter - 20 €, every following treatment - from 12 €.

Local anesthesia (according to the type of treatment):

1. by injection - 10 € per ampule,
2. superficially by Emla crm. - from 10 €.

Histological (microscopic) examination: cca 50 € per biopsy.

Noninvasive ultrasound liposuction

NoninvasiveMUDr. Mojmír Müller - Noninvasive ultrasound liposuction and painless removal of excess fatty tissue of subcutis with help of ULTRASOUND "LIPOSUCTION" (rather BODY CONTOURING) by ultrasound technology Ultrashape Body Contour Treatment.

At the moment it is the only equipment with scientifically proven effect in dispersing (so called emulsification) of membranes of the fat cells by ultrasound, including the appropriate certification (please notice: not to be confused with low potent ultrasounds). This treatment is not a simple elimination of water from subcutis, fat cells in treated area are removed and the fat is transported via vascular and lymphatic system to the liver. This fat is used by body as a natural source of energy for metabolism.

Ultrasound waves eliminate the fat tissue approximately in depth of 10-20mm. In case of thicker subcutis fatty layer it is possible to realise further treatment in a month time.

MUDr. Mojmír Müller - Noninvasive ultrasound liposuctionAfter the treatment it is recommended to limit meals high in calories only during one month and possibly include regular light body aerobics.


  1. Time non-consuming treatment, not required stay in the hospital.
  2. Nonsurgical treatment, no use of scalpels, cannulas etc.
  3. No bleeding, no hematomas (bluemarks), no unevenness or scars.
  4. Treatment is completely painless.
  5. No need to wear special elastic underwear.
  6. Loss of fat cells is permanent.

Price for one treatment of one area in diameter of 250 - 300 mm or two matching areas up to 150 - 200 mm in diameter (maximum 600 impulses): 640 €.

MUDr. Mojmír Müller - Fotogalerie MUDr. Mojmír Müller - Fotogalerie MUDr. Mojmír Müller - Fotogalerie MUDr. Mojmír Müller - Fotogalerie


First consultation: 40 €, control of results: 25 €.

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