MUDr. Mojmír Müller, Vodní 21, 602 00 Brno, tel.: 607 839 075, 547 211 995, e-mail:
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czech version

Rejuvenation by smoothing away of mimical lines and using of fillers


Smoothing away of mimical lines of face and neck by application of  product of C. botulinum. Rejuvenation is achieved by elimination of excessive contractions of mimical muscles. Skin stops creating folds, wrinkles are smoothed away. Effect lasts approximately half a year, in case of repeated application even longer. Any cream with so-called "botox-effect" cannot be compared to this gentle care neither by its effectiveness nor by price.

Approximate measure of quantities:

- crow´s feet (fine lines around eyes):  twice 4 to 6 units,
- forehead horizontal lines: 6-10 units,
- vertical lines between eyebrows: 12-14 units,
- sagging mouth corners: twice 2 units,
- neck lines: 10-20 units.

Note: Use of product of C. botulinum to annihilate excessive sweating (underarms, palms and soles): effect lasting from 9 to 12 months after application, consumption 1 to 2 units per 1x1cm.

Price: 8 € per unit of preparation of company Allergan, equals four units of medicine of company Ipsen.


Smoothing of deeper lines, wrinkles and folds on the face and contouring of lips (lip sculpturing) by application of FILLING MATERIAL (hyaluronic acid gel, hydroxylapatite, bioresorbable polyacrylamide filler etc.).

Final price including application of the filler:

  1. Deep wrinkles and folds
    • Radiesse: 400 € per package (1,5ml), lasting effect in average two years
    • Fortélis extra (= Belotero Intense): 360 € per package (1ml), effective over one year
    • Juvéderm voluma: 280 € per package (1ml), effective up to twelve months
    • Yvoire volume s: 240  € per package (1ml), effective about one year
  2. Medium-deep wrinkles, lip sculpturing, smoothing of scars
    • Restylane: 280 € per package (1ml), lasting approximately six to nine months
    • Esthélis basic (= Belotero Balance): 280 € per package (1ml), effective nine to twelve months
    • Juvéderm volbella: 260 € per package (1ml), effective up to twelve months
    • Yvoire classic s: 200  € per package (1ml), effective about one year     
  3. Superficial lines
    • Esthélis soft: 260 € per package (1ml), lasting six to twelve months,


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